Scotch is seldom thought of as a spirit for cocktails, and even less so for the patio. That’s all about to change this year! I’ve found four delicious recipes using Grant’s Triple Wood Scotch Whisky that you’re sure to love all season long!
Grant’s & Cola

- 50 ml Grant’s Triple Wood
- Add Ice
- Top with cola
- Garnish with fresh Orange Wedge
Pour Grant’s Triple Wood into a highball glass with ice. Top with cola of choice and stir. Garnish with a fresh orange wedge for a fresh summer twist.
Grant’s Tropical Friend

- 50 ml Grant’s Triple Wood
- Add Ice
- Top up with Tropical Lemonade
Pour Grant’s Triple Wood into a highball glass with ice. Top with tropical lemonade and stir. Garnish with lemon wedge or other fresh fruit.
Grant’s Tonic

- 50ml Grant’s Triple Wood
- Top with Tonic
- Garnish with a fresh orange wedge
Pour Grant’s Triple Wood into a highball glass with ice. Top with tonic and stir. Garnish with a fresh orange wedge.
Grant’s Sour

- 50ml Grant’s Triple Wood
- 20ml simple syrup
- 20ml fresh lemon juice
- A few dashes orange bitters Garnish with orange peel
Add Grant’s Triple Wood, simple syrup, orange bitters and fresh lemon juice into a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a rocks glass and garnish with fresh orange peel.