Food & Drink Recipes My Favorite Salad Dressing by Carlee Krtolica January 28, 2021 I love a good homemade salad dressing that is easy to make with simple pantry ingredients (nothing fancy or hard…
Baby & Family Lifestyle Layla’s 1st Birthday: A Woodland Wonderland! by Carlee Krtolica January 28, 2021 One of the most exciting milestones to celebrate is your baby's first birthday! Unfortunately due lockdowns, restrictions and a whole…
Baby & Family Lifestyle Renovation Projects Baby Gates For A Modern Home by Carlee Krtolica January 7, 2021 When my husband and I first got our puppy, Hattie, almost 8 years ago, we purchased an inexpensive baby gate/pet…
Food & Drink Recipes Speedy Sourdough: Homemade Sourdough Without a Starter by Carlee Krtolica December 21, 2020 Homemade sourdough bread seems to be all the rage these days, but finding or creating a starter can be really…
Travel Where to Stay A Holiday Getaway at Buffalo Mountain Lodge in Banff, Canada by Carlee Krtolica December 17, 2020 This December we took a trip out to Banff and spent a winter weekend away at Buffalo Mountain Lodge. This…
GIFTS Lifestyle Gifts For Guys: Gift Ideas For The Men In Your Life by Carlee Krtolica November 18, 2020 Men are notoriously impossible to shop for. I don't know if it's that when men see something they want, they…
GIFTS Lifestyle Gifts for Her: The Best Gifts For The Ladies In Your Life by Carlee Krtolica November 18, 2020 I always feel like the best way to share "gifts for her" is to share what I want for the…
Fashion Seasons & Holidays Style & Beauty Get Dressed Up! Simple Holiday Party Outfit Ideas by Carlee Krtolica November 18, 2020 Remember when we used to get dressed up for the holidays? Like when you'd get a special new dress as…
Books To Read GIFTS Lifestyle Books to Buy: The Best Book Gifts For 2020 by Carlee Krtolica November 17, 2020 Books are one of my favourite gifts to both give and receive. I love stylish coffee table books and colourful…
Décor & Inspo GIFTS House & Home Gifts For The Interior Design Lover by Carlee Krtolica November 17, 2020 I'm a self-admitted HGTV-addict, have piles of home magazines and coffee table books from various designers. I have Pinterest boards…