I could not be more excited to be a first-time mom, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that the amount of gear I need to acquire for our little arrival isn't a tad overwhelming.
There are a few things that I've…
Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria, known in short as La Boqueria, is my absolute-hands-down-favourite place in all of Barcelona. If you’re looking to try as many local dishes as possible, I highly recommend a visit to La Boqueria market. This market…
Barcelona is one of the most visited cities in Europe and for good reason - there's something for everyone. Whether you want to pop in for a quick couple of days or an extended stay, the downloadable guide below will help you…
My home office is naturally where I spend a lot of time during the day. Being a lifestyle blogger, working in a 'styled' space only felt natural. I've been wanting to share this space on my blog for quite some time but…
I am one of those people that enjoys camping in the summer months, especially in the Canadian Rockies. What I don't always love is the amount of set-up and tear down that camping can require. I always feel like by the time we…
This summer we decided to try and add some more outdoor living space to our backyard! Last summer's projects included the wood-fired pizza oven (which you can see in these photos) so this summer we decided it was time to spruce up…
Non-alcoholic beers seem to be trending everywhere you look. I'll be honest, I hadn't really tried non-alcoholic beer until I was pregnant. I guess I'd never really thought about it before. What's exciting is that it has pushed me into exploring this new…
I love visiting Paris whenever I can. I'm hard pressed to take a trip to Europe without finding a way to pop into Paris for at least a couple of days because the city just keeps pulling me back.
One not-so-convenient thing about…
I don't know if I'll ever get Botox or fillers or any kind of injection. Right now I'm not sure it's something I want to do, but never say never.
When it comes to Botox and injectables, I had a ton of questions,…
A gender reveal...this is something that has become really Pinterest-y over the last couple of years, and despite my love of the platform, I didn't entirely want to be publicly surprised at a party or in some other way. To be honest,…