Where do I start? Tea is one of my favourite things, for so many reasons – it can pump you up, it can calm you down, it can warm you up, it can cool you down – do you see what I’m saying?! Tea is so versatile and anyone who says they don’t like tea just hasn’t found the right tea for them yet, but I promise, there is one!
Because I hope to give you more specific tea information in the future, I’m just going to start with an overview of the different kinds of teas (including my favourites from Steeped Tea). Full disclosure that I am a Steeped Tea Group Leader and I do sell this delicious beverage, but I only sell it because I love it myself. So, here we go…

If you read no further, at least read this, because it’s life changing (but please read further too). Matcha is a total game changer! Some may say it’s an acquired taste, and if so, you should acquire it. Matcha has so many health benefits (a quick Google search of “health benefits of matcha” can tell you all of them), but my favourite perks are that it gives me a lasting energy that builds – that means no crash like many other caffeinated beverages – and it cleans your system right out, if you know what I mean. It’s important to get a high-quality matcha, which we have, and the bonus is we have it in great flavours, such as Vanilla, Peppermint, and Mocha, just to name a few. Prepare it hot, prepare it cold, prepare it in a smoothie – make your own matcha magic!
If the matcha didn’t win you over, and you want something with caffeine, black tea has the most caffeine of all the teas, and is probably a good start for those coffee drinkers out there. Some of my favourites are Roasted Mocha, Earl Grey de la Crème, and perfect for the snowy days coming our way, Egg Noggin’ and Christmas Chai. Important black tea tip – if you don’t oversteep it, it won’t be bitter! Try it.

Green Tea has less caffeine than black tea, meaning I can drink it around dinner time and I still have a restful night’s sleep. Many people even drink it closer to bed with no problems! It has a much lighter taste than black tea and I find you can taste more of the accented flavours. This is another tea to not over-steep. My favourites are Hawa-ya-doin’ (a quick reminder to have a positive attitude and a great day) and Strawberry Fields.

I feel like white tea is the most underrated tea, so it definitely needs a shout out here. White tea is the least processed of all teas and has the least caffeine of the caffeinated teas, so it’s a perfect pick-me-up later in the day. The taste is very light and I would have to say my favourite is Coconut Calypso.
Even if you’re not into earthy flavours, there will be herbal teas for you. Herbal tea has no caffeine, so it’s a great before-bed drink! In the herbal category, there are teas to help your tummy aches, bloating, or even that nasty cold that you feel coming on. There are ones to help you sleep better or help you digest your dinner. This is a hard one to pick just a few favourites, because it all depends on what you’re looking for; however, I love Don’t Worry Be Happy (I mean, the name alone says it all), Stress Reliever, and Chocolate Date Night.

Okay, rooibos isn’t everyone’s cup of tea (pun completely intended), but it’s surprising how many people have converted once they have tried Vanilla Cupcake or Mint Chocolate Chip. Caffeine-free and full of antioxidants, it’s worth converting to!
Last but not least, fruit tea is great hot, but it’s one of my favourites to make cold or as a sangria. Cold tea is great to have in the fridge as an alternative to juice and pop (that means no added sugar) – kids love it, adults love it – it’s a win-win! And yes, I said sangria. Steeping the fruit tea in a sparkling white wine makes a perfect sangria and is the easiest party trick ever! My favourites are Berry Mania and Jenna Cherry Jubilee.
And if none of this is for you, at least there is always Hot Chocolate!
Happy Sipping, Everyone!